Freundeskreis Event archive
Event Archive
Exhibition visit Theater Photography by Ruth Waltz | 13.12.2021
There was the opportunity to visit the wonderful solo exhibition »Theater Photography« by Ruth Walz at the Museum of Photography. The artist herself, the curator Thomas Ladenburger, the director of the Schaubühne Friedrich Barner and its founder Jürgen Schitthelm guided us through theater photographs of the last 50 years, documenting among others legendary productions by Peter Stein, Luc Bondy or Robert Wilson at the Schaubühne. The exhibition runs until Feb. 13, 2022 at the Museum für Fotografie, Jebensstr. 2, 10623 Berlin.
Exhibition visit artist collective AGOSTO | 02.12.2021
On December 2 at 7pm, Katharina Ziemke, Ruth Rosenfeld, and James Helgeson and Joseph Pearson make up the artist collective AGOSTO, gave us a tour of their new exhibition »Can You See Me More Clearly Now?« – Remembering Women in Science. We know three of the four people well from the Schaubühne: Ruth as an ensemble member, Katharina as the painter of the wall drawings in »An Enemy of the People« and »Professor Bernhardi« and Joseph as a chronicler and commentator. The exhibition runs until 19.12. in the Kurt-Kurt Projektraum, Essener Str. 13, 10559 Berlin-Moabit.
General Meeting 2021 | 25 October 2021
After our annual general meeting had to be cancelled last year for the known reasons, we held an attendance meeting again this year. In a good 2 ½ hours the acting board as well as the theater management informed about the past two years. The vice chair Maren Vergiels was said goodbye with great applause, for her Meral Burul was elected into office. The remaining board members were unanimously confirmed in their respective offices.
Scenic Reading with Ilse Ritter: Exclusively for the circle of friends | 17 October 2021
The great Ilse Ritter presented her very special program: »Weit sehe ich, weit in die Welten all - Götterlieder der Àdda«. Ilse Ritter translated the songs of the Àdda herself, which presumably date from the 13th and 14th centuries, and recorded them for an audio book. She discovered a mythical-poetic view of the world in the texts of the Northern European seers. Dreams and language are primordial creative forces. The energy of light, the forces of nature and finally language lead man to the source of creation. To our great surprise, she did not read the poems aloud, but recited them completely from memory. An extremely fascinating and enchanting evening! At the champagne reception afterwards, many members did not miss the opportunity to have a copy of the book signed by Ilse Ritter.
A digital conversation with Nils Haarmann and Florian Borchmeyer | 11 May 2021
In all areas of life, there is a lot of thought about what »the new normal« will look like: Will we work much more often in a home office in the future? Will video conferences replace business trips? Will we prefer to take a vacation in Brandenburg next year instead of traveling far away? And also with regard to international contemporary theater, questions naturally arise as to how things will continue after the caesura of the Corona pandemic: How (different) is the current situation of theater companies worldwide? What impact has the Corona pandemic had on contemporary theater in other countries? How important is international exchange for contemporary theater - especially in times of crisis? And: what's next for FIND?
We talked about all this in an almost two-hour conversation with long-time FIND dramaturges Nils Haarmann and Florian Borchmeyer.
A digital conversation with Thomas Ostermeier | 14 December 2020
The Schaubühne was able to play again for a full six weeks in the fall, then the second lockdown came. How everyone is dealing with it, what the theater plans to do, and what the outlook is – that's what we talked about with Artistic Director Thomas Ostermeier on Zoom just before Christmas. Vincent Steinl and Katharina Waitz moderated the long and extensive conversation, over 100 members attended this event.
Celebrating the new season | 4 October 2020
We usually invite our members to a brunch, but this year the concept had to be different. So we met for a glass of champagne outside the building, thus keeping the social distance as required. Some 125 members found their way to the theatre and celebrated the new season.
Guided tour C/O Berlin | 25 February 2020
As we have supported the production Outside by Kirill Serebrennikov which was planned to be shown at the FIND festival, we invited our members to a guided tour through the exhibition »Love, Ren Hang« at C/O Berlin. Director Kirill Serebrennikov has been fascinated by the art of the Chinese photographer and poet. »Outside« is a tribute to Ren Hang who died in 2017 at the age of 29. On 29th February we had the opportunity to see the exhibition guided by curator Felix Hoffmann. Unfortunately the FIND was cancelled later…
Friends celebrate: New Year’s Reception | 17 January 2020
One day after the FIND introduction director Dr. Friedrich Barner had invited our members to his annual New Year’s reception. In its 9th year the traditional meet-up once more offered the chance to (re-)connect with old and new friends – and it was booked out within a day.
Introduction to FIND | 16 January 2020
This year the Festival International New Drama (FIND) celebrates its 20th anniversary under the title of »Counter image and counter force«. From 11th to 22nd March international playwrights of the contemporary theatre present their recent works at the Schaubühne. As in past years we arranged an introductory event: dramaturges Nils Haarmann and Florian Borchmeyer gave insight into 2020’s FIND programme and highlights.
Workshop on »Orlando« | 30 Novemver 2019
Twice per season we invite all members to a practical workshop based on one of the current productions: Participants will discuss, dance and act together, thus gaining new perspectives on the theatrical piece in focus. This time the workshop was all about Katie Mitchell’s congenial stage adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s »Orlando«.
Rehearsal »Orlando« | 17 and 18 June 2019
Two rehearsal attendances had to be scheduled to satisfy the overwhelming response to our invitation. On these days, members had the exclusive opportunity to observe Katie Mitchell and the British-German crew work on the Virginia Woolf-based play »Orlando« (premiere at the Schaubühne on 5th September 2019). We were impressed by the enormous amount of (technical) work that goes into such a multimedia production: director Mitchell juggles a variety of camera perspectives, smooth costume and scene changes and her personnel all at the same time. It seems like one minute on stage equal two hours of rehearsal! Around 6.00 pm we left the rehearsal in excited anticipation of the upcoming production and with an insight into the demanding preparations for what appears so seemless on stage.