Carolin Emcke, Photo: Andreas Labes 
Streitraum with Carolin Emcke and guests 

Streitraum 2019/20
»Brave New Bodies, Brave New Humanity?«

Carolin Emcke and guests

How is our concept and experience of the body and different physicalities changing in the 21st century – and what consequences does this have for our notion of the self? How we perceive our bodies, how we learn to handle them and how this is passed on to the next generation has always been an area of conflict with regard to cultural, religious and social practices and convictions. The way in which bodies are veiled, exposed, exhibited, cared for and treated, the images that categorize bodies as male or female, beautiful or ugly, healthy or sick and make them visible or invisible have always been shaped by normative and commercial considerations.

The 2019/20 »Streitraum« wants to explore how medicaltechnical developments in prosthetics, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, and also the total pervasiveness and use of digital technologies in every area of our lives, are changing our body(images) and self-identity. What does humanism mean, what is the social ‘us’ under these conditions? Which economic, commercial interests are controlling and programming the algorithms that increasingly determine our fitness, diet and health? How are our self-images and our concepts of desire, sexuality and death being changed by the new technologies?

Performances 2019/20

Carolin Emcke im Gespräch mit Lutz Raphael (Professor für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte an der Universität Trier)

Carolin Emcke im Gespräch mit Armin Nassehi (Professor für Soziologie, LMU München)

Carolin Emcke im Gespräch mit Sigrid Arnade (Geschäftsführerin Interessenvertretung Selbstbestimmt Leben in Deutschland e.V.), Wolfgang Henrich (Direktor der Klinik für Geburtsmedizin, Charité), Paula-Irene Villa Braslavsky (Professorin für Allgemeine Soziologie & Gender Studies LMU München) und Claudia Wiesemann (Direktorin des Instituts für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin an der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen und Stellvertretende Vorsitzende des Deutschen Ethikrats)

Carolin Emcke im Gespräch mit Anke Domscheit-Berg (Publizistin, Netzaktivistin, parteilose Bundestagsabgeordnete in der Linksfraktion) und Julia Krüger (, Fellow am Centre for Internet & Human Rights)
Am 26. Januar 2020

Carolin Emcke im Gespräch mit Alan N. Shapiro (Science-Fiction und
Medientheoretiker, Autor, Professor, Softwareentwickler)

Simultanübersetzung: Lilian-Astrid Geese, Silvia Schreiber.

Carolin Emcke im Gespräch mit Regina Ammicht Quinn (Universität Tübingen), Adelheid Kuhlmey (Charité, Deutscher Ethikrat) und Oliver Suchy (DGB-Bundesvorstand)

Streitraum is supported by

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