Damir Avdic, Photo: © Debora Mittelstaedt 
Beyond Caring, Photo: © Gianmarco Bresadola 
Beyond Caring, Photo: © Gianmarco Bresadola 
Photo: © Fabian Schellhorn 
Glaube, Geld, Krieg und Liebe, Photo: © Gianmarco Bresadola, 2024 
Glaube, Geld, Krieg und Liebe, Photo: © Gianmarco Bresadola, 2024 
Glaube, Geld, Krieg und Liebe, Photo: © Gianmarco Bresadola, 2024 
Damir Avdic in »Jugend ohne Gott«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2019 
Damir Avdic in »fontane.200«, Photo: Thomas Aurin, 2018 
Damir Avdic in »LENIN«, Photo: Thomas Aurin, 2017 
Damir Avdic in »Peng«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2017 
Damir Avdic in »Toter Hund in der Chemischen Reinigung: die Starken«, Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2017 
Damir Avdic in »Professor Bernhardi«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2016 

Damir Avdic

Member of the Schaubühne ensemble since the 2016/17 season. Born in Bochum. Studied acting at the Folkwang University of the Arts in the same city. First roles at the Schauspielhaus Bochum while still a student. From 2013 to 2016, member of the ensemble at the Schauspielhaus Bochum, collaborating with Anselm Weber, Marius von Mayenburg and Christina Paulhofer, among others.

Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2008, new cast 2016)
Professor Bernhardi
 by Arthur Schnitzler, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2016)
Toter Hund in der Chemischen Reinigung: die Starken by Angélica Liddell, Direction: Angélica Liddell (2017)
Peng by Marius von Mayenburg, Direction: Marius von Mayenburg (World Premiere 2017)
LENIN by Milo Rau & Ensemble, Direction: Milo Rau (World Premiere, 2017)
fontane.200: Einblicke in die Vorbereitungen des Jubiläums des zweihundertsten Geburtstags Theodor Fontanes im Jahr 2019 An evening by and with Rainald Grebe, Direction: Rainald Grebe (World Premiere 2018)
Jeff Koons by Rainald Goetz, Direction: Lilja Rupprecht (2018)
Champignol inspite of himself by Georges Feydeau, Direction: Herbert Fritsch (2018)
Youth Without God by Ödön von Horváth, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2019)
»Beyond Caring« by Alexander Zeldin, Direction: Alexander Zeldin (2022)
Nachtland by Marius von Mayenburg, Director: Marius von Mayenburg (World Premiere, 2022)
Die Affaire Rue de Loucine by Eugène Labiche, Director: Jan Bosse (2023)
Glaube, Geld, Krieg, Liebe by Robert Lepage, Director: Robert Lepage (World Premiere 2024)
Richard III by William Shakespeare, Director: Thomas Ostermeier (Recast 2024)