Anneke Goertz
Born in 1984 in Niederrhein and grew up in Duisburg. After studying product design in Krefeld and Potsdam, publication of her master thesis on Alzheimer’s disease at Beltz Verlag. As from 2015 costume assistance at the Hans Otto Theatre in Potsdam, the Berliner Ensemble, the Schauspielhaus Bochum and the Schaubühne. Since 2017 freelance costume designer, e. g. for »The Nether« (Direction: Alexander Nerlich, 2017) am Hans Otto Theater, »Asche« (Direction: Alexander Nerlich, 2018) am Stadttheater Ingolstadt, »Dornröschen. Ein Traumspiel« (Direction: Volker Metzler, 2018) und »Crash Boom Click – Der Mond kann trommeln« (Direction: Bernd Sikora, 2019) at Theater an the Parkaue.