Christina Deinsberger
Born in 1993, studied law and criminology at the University of Heidelberg, graduation with a state examination. In parallel to her studies, she became involved in journalism and theatre. After internships at Thalia Theater, Deutschlandfunk and Heidelberger Stückemarkt, among others, she has been an assistant director at the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz, Berlin, since 2019 where she collaborated with the artistic director Thomas Ostermeier as well as with Simon McBurney, Annabel Arden and Clara Weyde, among others. 2022 first own directorial work with »Undine geht« after Ingeborg Bachmann at the Schaubühne.
All productions
Undine geht after Ingeborg Bachmann, Director: Christina Deinsberger (2022)
Genesis by Bastian Reiber and Team, Director and Concept: Bastian Reiber (World Premiere, 2023) (Artistic Collaboration)