Dagmar Fabisch
Born in 1967 in Essen. Head of the costume design department at Schaubühne since 2012. Worked on various costume designs at Münchner Kammerspiele, Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, Staatsschauspiel Dresden, Schauspiel Essen, Thalia Theater Hamburg, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Schauspielhaus Bochum and Malmö Stadsteater. Collaborations with Roger Vontobel, Jan Bosse, Stefan Pucher, Erik Gedeon and Simone Blattner, among others. Also designed costumes for the movies »My Sweet Home«by Filipos Tsitos (2002), »Herr Lehmann« by Leander Haußmann (2003) and »Der Lebensversicherer« by Bülent Akinci (2006).
All productions
Die kleinen Füchse– The Little Foxes von Lillian Hellman, Regie: Thomas Ostermeier (2014)
To Take Arms against a Sea of Plaques (ОЗБРОЮЮЧИСЬ ПРОТИ МОРЯ ЛИХ), a project by Stas Zhyrkov and Pavlo Arie, Director: Stas Zhyrkov (World Premiere, 2022)
Postkarten aus dem Osten by Pavlo Arie, Martín Valdés-Stauber and Ensemble, Director: Stas Zhyrkov (World Premiere, 2023)