Bucket List, Photo: © Ivan Kravtsov, 2023 
Bucket List, Photo: © Ivan Kravtsov, 2023 

Damian Rebgetz

Damian Rebgetz was born on the unceded lands of the Larrakia people (Darwin, Australia) and is a Berlin-based performer working in theatre, dance and performance. 2015-2020 he was part of the Münchner Kammerspiele (MK) acting ensemble under the artistic direction of Matthias Lilienthal. He performed in the Theatertreffen invited productions »Mittelreich« directed by Anna Sophie Mahler (MK); »The Vacuum Cleaner« by Toshiki Okada (MK); and »Trommeln in der Nacht«' (MK) and »Das neue Leben« (Schauspielhaus Bochum) both directed by Christopher Rüping. He was nominated as actor of the year for »Point Of No Return« by Yael Ronen and» Das neue Leben«. He has also worked with Ligia Lewis, Susanne Kennedy, Trajal Harrel, Ruedi Häusermann, Philippe Quesne, René Pollesch, Gob Squad and She She Pop amongst others. As a writer/director his performances include »Something for the fans« (Impulse Theater/Hebbel am Ufer Berlin); »We had a lot of bells (Wiener Festwochen / Schauspielhaus Wien); »Nirvana Last« (MK) and»Guy working at a pool« (100 Wörte / Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus).