Wer hat meinen Vater umgebracht (Qui a tué mon père), Photo: Jean-Louis Fernandez 
Wer hat meinen Vater umgebracht (Qui a tué mon père), Photo: Jean-Louis Fernandez 
Wer hat meinen Vater umgebracht (Qui a tué mon père), Photo: Jean-Louis Fernandez 
Photo: Jean-Louis Fernandez 
Wer hat meinen Vater umgebracht (Qui a tué mon père), Photo: Jean-Louis Fernamdez 
Wer hat meinen Vater umgebracht (Qui a tué mon père), Photo: Jean-Louis Fernandez 
Wer hat meinen Vater umgebracht (Qui a tué mon père), Photo: Jean-Louis Fernandez 

Édouard Louis

Born 1991 in Hallencourt as Eddy Bellegueule. Studied sociology with Didier Éribon at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. His autobiographical début novel »En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule« (2014; engl. »The End of Eddy«) becomes a number one bestseller in France and is translated into 18 languages. In the book he tells the personal story about his youth as a homosexual in the working class milieu in the French provinces. His second, also autobiographical novel, »Histoire de la violence« (engl. "History of violence"), is published in 2017, followed by the social study »Qui a tué mon père« (engl. »Who killed my father« ) about the relationship between the author and his father. Receives the Pierre Guénin Prize for his commitment against homophobia. Louis lives in Paris.

Im Herzen der Gewalt (History of Violence) by Édouard Louis, Realisation: Thomas Ostermeier (2018)
Qui a tué mon père (Who killed my father) by Édouard Louis, Realisation: Thomas Ostermeier (2020)