Eva Meckbach, Photo: Debora Mittelstaedt, 2024 

Eva Meckbach

Born in Seeheim-Jugenheim, Hessen in 1981. Member of the Schaubühne ensemble from 2006 to 2019 and again since the 2024/25 season. From 2003 to 2006 she studied acting at the Universität der Künste Berlin. Several audio book productions, e. g. »Das Gegenteil von Einsamkeit« from Marena Keegan (2014) and »Aquarium« from David Vann (2016), for which she was pre-selected for the Deutscher Hörbuchpreis 2017 in the category Best Speaker. Furthermore, she worked for several award-winning radioproductions such as Deutschlandradio, NDR, SWR, WDR. She also has appeared in films and television productions e. g. »Was bleibt« (Direction: Hans Christian Schmid, 2012), »Der Kriminalist – Mitten ins Herz« (Direction: Filippos Tsitos, 2013), »Ein starkes Team – Knastelse« (Direction: Maris Pfeiffer, 2015) and »Exodus ─ Die Flucht der Kinder« (Direction: Feo Aladag, 2016) as well as TV-series, e. g. »Tatort ─ Kalter Engel« (Direction: Tom Bohn, 2013), »Tatort – Der Maulwurf« (Direction: Johannes Grieser, 2014), »Alarm für Cobra 11« (Direction: Nico Zavelberg, 2016) and »Wunschkinder« (Direction: Emily Atef, 2017). She received the award for best actress at the international theatre festival Stettin in 2012 for the role of Erika Roth in »Martyr« by Marius von Mayenburg. In 2015, she received the Russian theatre prize Golden Mask with the ensemble for »Tartuffe«, directed by Michael Thalheimer, as well as the »Prix de critique de L'Association québécoise des critiques de théatre« in Montreal. In 2019, she won the German Audiobook Award in the »Best Interpreter« category with »Deutsches Haus« by Annette Hess and, in the same year, played the leading role in the Netflix series »Criminal« alongside Sylvester Groth as detective Nadine Keller. Eva Meckbach is a co-signer of the #ActOut manifesto in 2021 alongside 185 others.

Ein Sommernachtstraum freely after William Shakespeare (Direction/Choreographie: Thomas Ostermeier, Constanza Macras, 2006)
Susie in Liebe ist nur eine Möglichkeit by Christoph Nußbaumeder (Direction: Thomas Ostermeier, 2006)
Ältere Schwester (Ego) in Stoning Mary by Debbie Tucker Green (Direction: Benedict Andrews, 2007)
Christine Marlowe in Room Service by John Murray and Allen Boretz (Direction: Thomas Ostermeier, 2007)
Anja in Der Kirschgarten by Anton Tschechow in a version by Falk Richter (Direction: Falk Richter, 2008)
Mieze in Der Stein by Marius von Mayenburg (Direction: Ingo Berk, 2008)
Kadmos and Kreon in Der Sonne and dem Tod kann man nicht ins Auge sehen by Wajdi Mouawad (Direction: Dominique Pitoiset, 2008) 
Natalie Voss in Die Tauben by David Gieselmann (Direction: Marius von Mayenburg, 2009)
Eunice in Endstation Sehnsucht by Tennessee Williams (Direction: Benedict Andrews, 2009)
Kriemhild in Die Nibelungen by Friedrich Hebbel (Direction: Marius von Mayenburg, 2009)
Prostituierte/Minna/Cilly/Mieze in Berlin Alexanderplatz (Direction: Volker Lösch, 2009)
Jenna in Dämonen by Lars Norén (Direction: Thomas Ostermeier, 2010)
Was! Ist das episches Theater? (Realisation: Patrick Wengenroth, 2010)
Desdemona in Othello by William Shakespeare (Direction: Thomas Ostermeier, 2010)
Eva in Perplex by Marius von Mayenburg (Direction: Marius von Mayenburg, 2010)
Regen in Neukölln by Paul Brodowsky (Direction: Friederike Heller, UA 2011)
Anisja in Die Macht der Finsternis by Leo Tolstoi (Direction: Michael Thalheimer, 2011)
Einsame Menschen by Gerhart Hauptmann (Direction: Friederike Heller, 2011)
Tatjana in Eugen Onegin after Alexander Puschkin (Direction: Alvis Hermanis, 2011)
Erika Roth in Märtyrer by Marius von Mayenburg (Direction: Marius von Mayenburg, 2012)
Mrs. Stockmann in Ein Volksfeind by Henrik Ibsen (Direction: Thomas Ostermeier, 2012)
Galaxy (Direction and Konzept: BLITZ, 2012)
Kaleria in Sommergäste by Maxim Gorki (Direction: Alvis Hermanis, 2012)
Hyperion. Briefe eines Terroristen nach Friedrich Hölderlin (Direction: Romeo Castellucci, 2013)
Beatrice in Viel Lärm um Nichts by William Shakespeare (Direction: Marius von Mayenburg, 2013)
2666 by Roberto Bolaño (Direction: Àlex Rigola, 2014)
WE ARE GOLDEN – Thirteen notes about yearning, an evening by and with Eva Meckbach, Claus Erbskorn and Thomas Witte (2014)
Richard III by William Shakespeare (Direction: Thomas Ostermeier, 2015)
The Lower Depths by Maxim Gorki, Direction: Michael Thalheimer (2015)
Beware of Pity by Stefan Zweig (Direction: Simon McBurney, 2015)
Professor Bernhardi by Arthur Schnitzler,Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2016)
Peng by Marius von Mayenburg, Direction: Marius von Mayenburg (World Premiere 2017)
HE? SHE? ME! FREE. A project by Patrick Wengenroth and Ensemble, Realisation: Patrick Wengenroth (2018)
Nachtland by Marius von Mayenburg, Director: Marius von Mayenburg (World Premiere, Recast 2024)
Replay by Yael Ronen, Director: Yael Ronen (World Premiere, 2024)