Florian Borchmeyer
Born in 1974 in Wasserburg am Inn and was head of dramaturgy at the Schaubühne from 2013 to 2019. Currently one of the curators of Festival International New Drama (FIND). Studied literature in Berlin, Havanna and Paris. In 2006 conferral of a doctorate in philosophy with the graduate thesis about the history of the discovery of America. In 2006 he was awarded the Bayerische Filmpreis for the documentary movie »Habana - Arte nuevo de hacer ruinas«. He is a filmmaker and works as a literature critic and curates the international programme at Filmfest Munich.
All productions
The Return of Ulysses after Claudio Monteverdi (Direction: David Marton, 2011)
Eugene Onegin after Alexander Puschkin (Direction: Alvis Hermanis, 2011)
Das wohltemperierte Klavier Musical theatre after Johann Sebastian Bach and László Krasznahorkai (Direction: David Marton, 2012)
An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen (Direction: Thomas Ostermeier, 2012)
Galaxy (Direction and concept: BLITZ, 2012)
Summerfolk by Maxim Gorki (Direction: Alvis Hermanis, 2012)
Hyperion. Letters of a Terrorist after Friedrich Hölderlin (Direction: Romeo Castellucci, 2013)
Romeo und Julia by William Shakespeare (Direction: Lars Eidinger, 2013)
For the Disconnected Child by Falk Richter (Direction and Choreography: Falk Richter, 2013)
The Little Foxes by Lillian Hellman (Direction: Thomas Ostermeier, 2014)
2666 by Roberto Bolaño (Direction: Àlex Rigola, 2014)
Kasimir and Karoline by Ödön von Horváth (Direction: Jan Philipp Gloger, 2014)
The Marriage of Maria Braun after Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2014)
Richard III by William Shakespeare (Direction: Thomas Ostermeier, 2015)
Ödipus the Tyrant after Sophokles/Friedrich Hölderlin (Direction: Romeo Castellucci, 2015)
Bella Figura by Yasmina Reza (Direction: Thomas Ostermeier, World Premiere 2015)
Compassion. The History of the Machine Gun by Milo Rau, Direction: Milo Rau (2016)
Professor Bernhardi by Arthur Schnitzler,Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2016)
Dead Dog at Dry Cleaners: the Strong by Angélica Liddell, Direction: Angélica Liddell (2017)
Returning to Reims after Didier Eribon, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2017)
LENIN by Milo Rau & Ensemble, Direction: Milo Rau (World Premiere, 2017)
Im Herzen der Gewalt by Édouard Louis, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2018)
Italian Night by Ödön von Horváth, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2018)
Youth Without God by Ödön von Horváth, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2019)
Returning to Reims after Didier Eribon, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (new Version, 2020)
Qui a tué mon père (Who killed my father) by Édouard Louis, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2021)
In the repertoire
by Édouard Louis
In a version by Thomas Ostermeier, Florian Borchmeyer and Édouard Louis
German translation by Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel
Director: Thomas Ostermeier
German Premiere
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by William Shakespeare
Translation and version by Marius von Mayenburg
Director: Thomas Ostermeier
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