Jenny König, Photo: © Debora Mittelstaedt 

Jenny König in »Die Affen«

, Photo: © Arno Declair, 2020 
Jenny König in »abgrund«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2019 
Jenny König in »abgrund«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2019 
Jenny König in »status quo«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2019 
Jenny König in »status quo«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2019 
Jenny König in »Shakespeare's Last Play«, Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2018 
Jenny König in »Shakespeare's Last Play«, Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2018 
Jenny König in »Ophelias Zimmer«, Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2015 
Jenny König in »Ophelias Zimmer«, Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2015 
Jenny König in »Stück Plastik«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2015 
Jenny König in »Stück Plastik«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2015 
Jenny König in »Richard III.«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2015 
Jenny König in »Richard III.«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2015 
Jenny König in »Die kleinen Füchse – The Little Foxes«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2015 

Jenny König

Member of the Schaubühne ensemble since 2011. Born in Eisenach. Studied acting at the Hanover University of Music and Drama. First engagements at the Staatstheater in the same city and at the Nationaltheater Mannheim while still a student. From 2009 to 2011, member of the ensemble at the Nationaltheater Mannheim, collaborating with Burkhard C. Kosminski, among others. Appearances in films and on radio and television including in »Aenne Burda« (2018, directed by Franziska Meletzky), »My Little Sister« (2020, directed by Stéphanie Chuat and Véronique Reymond) and the »Polizeiruf 110« series. Nominations for Best Young Actress in 2011 by both Theater heute and TheaterGemeinde Berlin. Nominated again in 2016 by Theater heute for her role in »Ophelia’s Room« (directed by Katie Mitchell).

Der Menschenfeind von Molière, Director: Ivo van Hove (2010)
Maß für Maß by William Shakespeare, Director: Thomas Ostermeier (2011)
Märtyrer by Marius von Mayenburg, Director: Marius von Mayenburg (2012)
Bunny by Jack Thorne, Director: Christoph Schletz (2012)
Sommergäste by Maxim Gorki, Director: Alvis Hermanis (2012)
Viel Lärm um Nichts by William Shakespeare, Director: Marius von Mayenburg (2013)
Atmen (Lungs) by Duncan Macmillan, Director: Katie Mitchell (2013)
Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Director: Thomas Ostermeier (2008, with Jenny König 2014)
Die kleinen Füchse – The Little Foxes by Lillian Hellman, Director: Thomas Ostermeier (2014)
The Forbidden Zone by Duncan Macmillan, Director: Katie Mitchell (2014)
Kasimir and Karoline by Ödön von Horváth, Director: Jan Philipp Gloger (2014)
Richard III by William Shakespeare, Director: Thomas Ostermeier (2015)
Stück Plastik by Marius von Mayenburg, Director: Marius von Mayenburg (World Premiere, 2015)
Ophelias Zimmer (Ophelias Room) with texts by Alice Birch, Director: Katie Mitchell (2015)
Shakespeare's Last Play by Dead Centre, Director: Ben Kidd and Bush Moukarzel (2018)
status quo by Maja Zade, Director: Marius von Mayenburg (World Premiere, 2019)
abgrund (abyss) by Maja Zade, Director: Thomas Ostermeier (World Premiere, 2019)
Orlando von Virginia Woolf, Director: Katie Mitchell (2019)
Die Affen by Marius von Mayenburg, Director: Marius von Mayenburg (World Premiere, 2020)
Yerma by Simon Stone nach Federico García Lorca, Director: Simon Stone (2020)
reden über sex by Maja Zade, Director: Marius von Mayenburg (World Premiere, 2021)
Nachtland by Marius von Mayenburg, Director: Marius von Mayenburg (World Premiere, 2022)