Jens-Karsten Stoll in »fontane.200«Photo: Thomas Aurin, 2018
Jens-Karsten Stoll in »fontane.200«, Photo: Thomas Aurin, 2018 

Jens-Karsten Stoll

Born in Berlin. He studied composition at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler from 1982 until 1987 and received a teaching assignment afterward. He worked as a musical director in several productions, such as »Brotladen« at the Berliner Ensemble (Director: Thomas Heise, 1993), »Saints and Singing« (Director: Robert Wilson, 1997) at the Hebbel Theater Berlin and »Trying Othello« (Director: Jürgen Kruse, 2004) at the Deutsches Theater Berlin. He has also been involved in productions at the Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, the Neuköllner Oper in Berlin, at the Schauspielhaus Hamburg and at the Staatsschauspiel Stuttgart. He collaborated with Rainald Grebe at the Centraltheater in Leipzig (e.g. »Karl May Festspiele«, 2009), at the Maxim Gorki Theater (»Dada Berlin«, 2012), at the Thalia Theater in Hamburg (e.g. »Volksmusik«, 2013), at the Schauspiel Köln (»Die Fünfte Jahreszeit«, 2014), at the Staatstheater Hannover (»Anadigiding«, 2014), at the Schauspiel Frankfurt (»Frankfurt«, 2014) and at the Schaubühne Berlin (»Westberlin«, 2015).


Westberlin An evening by and with Rainald Grebe, Direction: Rainald Grebe (World Premiere, 2015)
fontane.200: Einblicke in die Vorbereitungen des Jubiläums des zweihundertsten Geburtstags Theodor Fontanes im Jahr 2019 An evening by and with Rainald Grebe, Direction: Rainald Grebe (World Premiere, 2018)