Johanna Lemke
Born 1982 in Berlin. Studied Dance and Theatre in Berlin and Amsterdam. Collaborations with various choreographers and directors, including Falk Richter at the Schaubühne and the Schauspiel Frankfurt, Martin Stiefermann at the Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin, Marco Santi at the Theater Osnabrück and national and international artists such as Felix Ruckert, Club Guy and Roni, Brenden Shelper, Jenz van Deale, Frederike Plafki, Santiago Blaum and Nora Abdel-Maksoud. Since 2008 cooperation with Constanza Macras and her dance company DorkyPark. Her own works »Take it easy« (2005), »Faint« (2008), »Unterstrom« (2010) and »Kaiser Wilhelm im Exil (Digitale Volkskunst)« (2012) were shown at the Sophiensaele, the Oldenburgisches Staatstheater and DOCK11. Since 2017 various projects with Boris Charmatz, including »10000 Gesten«, »Fous de danse« and »A Dancer's Day« at the Volksbühne Berlin.
In the repertoire
by Édouard Louis
In a version by Thomas Ostermeier, Florian Borchmeyer and Édouard Louis
German translation by Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel
Director: Thomas Ostermeier
German Premiere
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