Johannes FlaschbergerPhoto: © Gianmarco Bresadola
Johannes Flaschberger, Photo: © Gianmarco Bresadola 
Johannes Flaschberger in »Italienische Nacht«Photo: Arno Declair, 2018
Johannes Flaschberger in »Italienische Nacht«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2018 
Johannes Flaschberger in »Professor Bernhardi«Photo: Arno Declair, 2016
Johannes Flaschberger in »Professor Bernhardi«, Photo: Arno Declair, 2016 
Johannes Flaschberger in »Ungeduld des Herzens«Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2015
Johannes Flaschberger in »Ungeduld des Herzens«, Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2015 

Johannes Flaschberger

A guest performer at the Schaubühne since 2015. Born in Hermagor (Austria), he studied mime at the École Internationale de Mimodrame Marcel Marceau in Paris and at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona as well as acting with Philippe Gaulier in Paris. He has had engagements including at the Schauspielhaus, the Theater in der Drachengasse and the Theater Gruppe 80, all in Vienna. Since 1993, he has worked regularly with Simon McBurney’s Complicité company in London. He has also performed at the Royal Shakespeare Company, the Young Vic in London, the Bunkamura Theatre in Tokyo and the National Theatre and the Arcola Theatre in London. His several appearances in films and on television include roles in »Der Bulle von Tölz«, »Immortal Beloved« (1994, directed by Bernard Rose) and »Bridget Jones – The Edge of Reason« (2004, directed by Beeban Kidron).

Ungeduld des Herzens (Beware of Pity) by Stefan Zweig, Director: Simon McBurney (2015)
Professor Bernhardi by Arthur Schnitzler, Director: Thomas Ostermeier (2016)
Italienische Nacht (Italian Night) by Ödön von Horváth, Director: Thomas Ostermeier (2018)