Khanh Nguyen, Photo: © Marco Warmuth 

Khanh Nguyen

Born in Koblenz in 1985. Singer, Musician and Music Pedagogue. Studied Jazz/Rock/Pop as well as singing and piano at the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden, with Céline Rudolph, Janis Deyda-Teubert, Esther Kaiser, Nadia Maria Ollig, Thomas Groß, Ilka Kraske and Jens Wagner, among others. Played the role of Princess Oanh in »Drachensöhne und Feentöchter« (Direction: Julia Haebler, 2014). Composer for »Fischer und Frau«, a coproduction of tjg. theater junge generation Dresden with Goethe-Institut Vietnam and the National Youth Theatre Hanoi (Direction: Dominik Günther, 2016). Since 2005 singer with the Lao Xao Trio which combines Vietnamese folk songs with influences of modern genres, and the soul and funk band Smart Evidence from Dresden.


Danke Deutschland – Cảm ơn nước Đức by Sanja Mitrović, Text and Direction: Sanja Mitrović (World Premiere, 2019)