Mano Thiravong
Born in Vientiane (Laos), he grew up in Brittany and Paris. He studied pharmacy at the René Descartes University, Paris V, and received musical training at the classical conservatory and with the jazz artist Cynthia McPherson in Paris. He appeared at the opening of the 2013 Teddy Awards, the queer film prize of the Berlin International Film Festival. He has performed in various television productions including in »On the Cities’ Rooftops: Berlin« (2018, Arte) and in film projects with the directors Juri Padel and Joni Leyser (both in 2021), among others. For his commitment to LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace, he has been named a Prout Performer in the PROUT AT WORK Foundation’s Top 100 List.
All productions
Danke Deutschland – Cảm ơn nước Đức by Sanja Mitrović, Texts and Direction: Sanja Mitrović (World Premiere, 2019)
Das Leben des Vernon Subutex 1 (Vernon Subutex 1) by Virginie Despentes, Director: Thomas Ostermeier (2021)
In the repertoire
by Virginie Despentes
In a version by Florian Borchmeyer, Bettina Ehrlich and Thomas Ostermeier
Translated from French by Claudia Steinitz
Director: Thomas Ostermeier
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