Marcus Lenz

Born in 1969. He studied directing and cinematography at the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb). In 2016 he founded the production company wildfilms together with Patrick Waldmann. Marcus Lenz directed several feature films, amongst others: "Close" (2004) and "1000 Ameisen" (2013). Also, he worked as a director on the documentaries "Klassenfahrt in das Revier der Wilderer" (2006), for which he also worked on the script and the cinematography, and "Der Mann, der im Wald lebt" (2017), for which he also did the cinematography. Furthermore, he has worked as a director of photography on projects such as "24h Bayern - Ein Tag Heimat" (Concept: Volker Heise, 2017), "Fighter" (Director: Susanne Binninger, 2016) and "Als wir die Zukunft waren" (Episode 3, Director: Andreas Voigt, 2015).


Returning to Reims after Didier Eribon, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (2018)
Returning to Reims after Didier Eribon, Direction: Thomas Ostermeier (New Version, 2018)