Rainald Goetz
Born in Munich in 1954. Studied medicine, theatre arts and history. Received his doctorate as Dr. phil. with a dissertation on ancient history and later as Dr. med. with an investigation on brain dysfunction. One of the most famous German pop literates, writes novels (»Irre«, 1983), short stories and plays (»Krieg«, 1986; »Jeff Koons«, 1998). His performance at the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize in 1983 when he slashed his forehead with a razor blade became legendary. In his net diary »Abfall für Alle« (1998/99) he published daily 'recordings' of his work process, his meetings, reflections, telephone calls, etc. on his website and thus became one of the first bloggers (1998 publication as a book). In many of his texts, techno music and the techno scene play an important role both thematically and in terms of text form (»Rave«, 1998; »Mix, Cuts & Scratches«, 1997, together with Westbam). Rainald Goetz was awarded with the Georg Büchner Prize in 2015.
Jeff Koons, Direction: Lilja Rupprecht (2018)