Thilo Schmidt
Studied film and television/camera operating at the FH Dortmund (diploma degree) and the HFF Konrad Wolf in Potsdam. Semester abroad at the EICTV film school in Cuba. Freelance cameraman for documentaries and feature films which were shown at international film festivals, in cinemas and on TV, including »A Symphony of Noise« by Enrique Sanchez Lansch, »I want to see the manager« and »Peak« by Hannes Lang, »Hi A.I.« by Isa Willinger and »Umsonst« by Stephan Geene.
Besides camera also video work and editing for artists such as Olaf Nicolai, Clemens von Wedemeyer and Jaeeun Choi. Video design in theatre and opera for productions by Volker Lösch and Tilman Hecker.
Alle Produktionen
ödipus by Maja Zade; Director: Thomas Ostermeier (2021)