Thomas Leboeg
Born in 1968 in Landshut. Studied jazz and improvisation in Arnhem and Würzburg. He played keyboard in the band Kante from Hamburg and was part of the electronic project iso68 together besides Florian Zimmer. He has composed for radio plays, ballet and theatre at the Staatsschauspiel Dresden, the Leipzig Opera and the Junges Schauspielhaus Hamburg, among others. Teaching assignments have taken him to the HBK Bern and the Institute for Musicology Hamburg. Since 2015 he has regularly worked with the director Clara Weyde. In the 2021/22 season, he composed the music for her production »Frankenstein« at Schauspiel Hannover. As »baldr&die natur« he works together with Johann Talinski on his own music formats in a theatrical context, resulting in the CD »Die Lieder des jungen Werther« in 2021. He is also a regular guest at the »klubkatarakt festival« for experimental music in Hamburg and has a teaching position at the Faculty of Musicology at the University of Hamburg.
All productions
The Black Rider von William S. Burroughs, Tom Waits und Robert Wilson, Director: Friederike Heller (2012)
Der Krieg mit den Molchen nach Karel Čapek, Director: Clara Weyde (2022)