From here I will build everything
A project by Cédric Eeckhout
»Late Night Special« during FIND 2017
»My mother is Wallonian and my father is Flemish. They divorced in 1982. Ich bin en Europäisch produit. And I am in crisis. Just like Europe.«
Actor Cédric Eeckhout detects in his first self-created performance with his mother and his tomcat Jesus political and private crisis scenarios between his own life and developments in the European Community – beginning with the shared initials CE, Cédric Eeckhout and Communauté Européenne, and ending with painful separations in his personal life and, sandwiched between debt crises and Brexit, the gradually disintegrating EU. He embarks on the search for a relationship which will last.
This production was created for the 2017 Festival XS at the Théâtre National de la Communauté française de Belgique in Brussels. With thanks to: Théâtre de Vidy-Lausanne, La Comédie de Reims, Le Théâtre de la Criée à Marseille and Le Lieu unique à Nantes.
Text and Direction: Cédric Eeckhout in collaboration with Douglas Grauwels
Dramaturgy: Nils Haarmann
Set and Costume Design: Frédérik Denis, Laurence Hermant
Consulting: Andrea Romano