ITI Prize-Giving Ceremony for Milo Rau
Laudatio: Kathrin Röggla
Free entrance
On World Theatre Day 2016 the German Centre of the Inter- national Theatre Institute (ITI) is honouring Milo Rau with the ITI Prize. »Milo Rau provokes controversy with his International Institute of Political Murder. He represents a generation reacting without compromise to our increasingly radicalised reality. By taking a stance and demanding that others do the same, Milo Rau bestows theatre and society with the impetus which brings the explosiveness of global conflicts into our mids«, states the rationale for the award. Since 1985 the German ITI has been annually honouring personalities active in the German-speaking theatre for an excellence in achievement which draws international acclaim. The award-winner is determined by the ITI board after a survey of its members. Following theatre artists such as Frank Castorf, Pina Bausch, George Tabori, Heiner Goebbels and Christoph Marthaler, Milo Rau is, to date, the youngest winner of this renowned theatre award.