The Gabriels: Election Year in the Life of one Family. Part 3: Women of a Certain Age
by Richard Nelson
Direction: Richard Nelson (New York)
Guest performance during FIND 2017
March to November 2016. The kitchen in the Gabriel family home in South Street, Rhinebeck, a small town 100 miles north of New York. In these three plays, real-time snapshots allow us to follow not only the American presidential election but also a year in the life of a middle-class family and the private hopes and fears of its members. In his new trilogy Richard Nelson, who presented his play-cycle »The Apple Family Plays« at FIND 2015, interweaves big national events with small occurrences in private lives and presents us with a portrait of a world in which the personal, social, cultural and political are all inseparably connected. The three parts of »The Gabriels« premiered on the days in the election year on which they are set – when neither the writer, actors nor characters in the cycle knew the results of the votes.
Part 3: Women of a Certain Age
»… and something went – wiggle-wiggle«. Anton Chekhov
Tuesday, 8 November 2016, 5pm–7pm. Election Day. Most of the family members have already cast their vote. They have all voted for Hillary Clinton, not because they are fully convinced by every aspect of her election manifesto or her as a person, but because it seems important to them that a woman moves into the White House. Later in the evening Karin, an actor, will deliver a monologue that is based on Hillary Clinton’s biography. As some family members are cooking, others rummage through old boxes and drawers: the house has to be sold to pay for Patricia’s old people’s home. Many discoveries are made amongst the old possessions: ancient cookbooks, magazines … The lives of women appear to have changed a great deal during the previous decades. Or have they?
>>> Essay about the production in Pearson's Preview: Home Cooking and Intimacy: Richard Nelson’s »The Gabriels«
All Dates
The Gabriels: Election Year in the Life of one Family. Part 1: Hungry
> On 31 March at 7pm and on 2 April at 2pm
The Gabriels: Election Year in the Life of one Family. Part 2: What did you expect?
> On 1 April at 6pm and on 2 April on 4.45pm
The Gabriels: Election Year in the Life of one Family. Part 3: Women of a Certain Age
> On 1 April at 9pm and on 2 April at 8.30pm
»The Gabriels« Package Prize
If you buy tickets for all three parts of the series, the price for the third ticket will be reduced by 50%.
You can either book package 1 with the shows on 31 March and 1 April, or package 2 with all shows on 2 April.
A production of The Public Theater New York (Artistic Director: Oskar Eustis, Executive Director: Patrick Willingham). Presented in cooperation with Theater der Welt 2017, Hamburg.