Ensemble im Studio

The members of the Schaubühne ensemble have many talents. In the Studio, they will showcase musical, textual and performative elements and pres- ent discoveries that have developed out of working together on productions as well as their own creative work and joint projects. In musical events, the en- semble and employees will prove that it is not just in theatre performances that they can jam well together. In dramatic readings, resident artists will jointly present texts by writers already familiar to audiences from the programme as well as introducing their new discoveries. And in playful events, the audience themselves will be invited to act on stage, making every evening an unrepeatable experience.

Harry Hase's Late Night

People, Mimes, Melodies

In his show, Harry Hase presents a star guest from the ensemble.

The Earthquake in Chile

by Heinrich von Kleist
Staged reading with and by Christina Deinsberger, Moritz Gottwald and Laurenz Laufenberg

With the support of the Freunde der Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz e.V.