fontane.200: Insights into the Preparations for the Bicentenary of Theodor Fontane's Birthday in the Year 2019
An evening with Rainald Grebe
Direction: Rainald Grebe
World Premiere
In Neuruppin anticipation is running high: the bicentenary of Theodor Fontane’s birthday in the year 2019 is fast approaching. Committees are being founded and plans forged. The »fontane.200« planning commission writes in their concept paper: »Focusing on Fontane will bring a focus on the State of Brandenburg.« But how exactly should this be achieved? Through exhibitions, youth projects, festivals, academic conferences? Via campsites, cookery courses, theatre performances, seminars for pharmacists? Which projects should be developed, which events organised so that the rest of Germany and the world can truly grasp that Fontane is still relevant today, and that the region is worth visiting? Rainald Grebe, who once rather critically wrote in his song »Brandenburg«: »There are places where it’s at. There are places where it’s really at. And then there is Brandenburg«, seeks to participate in the creative planning for the Fontane year and provides insights into the feverish brainstorming sessions and meticulous preparations for this German cultural highlight of 2019. He takes us on a peregrination through the sandy flatlands, marshes, small towns and villages of the Province of Brandenburg and offers us insights and glimpses into the life and work of Fontane.
Direction: Rainald Grebe
Set Design: Jürgen Lier
Costume Design: Kristina Böcher
Video: Christin Wilke
Dramaturgy: Maja Zade
Lighting Design: Erich Schneider
Premiered on 14 January 2018
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