Miss Julie
after August Strindberg
Director: Katie Mitchell and Leo Warner
In a version by Katie Mitchell
German translation by Maja Zade
Strindberg’s classic tragedy tells how the aristocratic Julie encounters the servant Jean in the kitchen of the manor. Jean’s fiancée, Kristin also comes and goes and eventually falls asleep in the kitchen where Jean and Julie continue to flirt with one another, uninhibited by her presence. In the early hours of the long summernight Julie accompanies Jean to his room and sleeps with him. But after the night of passion the roles are reversed: Jean is now the stronger one, and Julie the humiliated. Jean convinces Julie to steal money from her father and to elope with him. Finally he gives Julie his razor and convinces her that the only way for her to escape her predicament is to commit suicide.
Katie Mitchell and Leo Warner re-imagine Strindberg’s classic text through the eyes of the cook, Kristin. As Julie and Jean’s pursuit of one another escalates, the production uses realtime film and live sound effects to track the events from his fiancée, Kristin’s perspective.
Director: Katie Mitchell, Leo Warner
Stage and Costume designer: Alex Eales
Light designer: Philip Gladwell
Soudn design: Gareth Fry, Adrienne Quartly
Composer: Paul Clark
Dramaturg: Maja Zade
Jean: Tilman Strauß
Julie: Luise Wolfram
Kristin Double: Cathlen Gawlich
Krstin Hands: Lisa Guth
Sounds: Lisa Guth
Premiered on 25 Steptember 2010
Tour Dates
Paris (March 2012)
Athen (June 2012)
Stockholm (June 2012)
Avignon (July 2012)
Zagreb (September 2012)
Moskau (December 2012)
Paris (March 2013)
London (April/May 2013)
Rennes (November 2013)
Reims (December 2013)
Tianjin (April 2014)
Beijing (April/May 2014)
São Paulo (March 2015)
Almada (July 2015)
Bukarest (October 2018)
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