Eröffnungssitzung der General Assembly am 3. November 2017, Photo: Daniel Seiffert, 2017 
Sitzung der »General Assembly« am 5. November, Photo: Daniel Seiffert, 2017 
Eröffnungssitzung der »General Assembly« am 3. November, Photo: Daniel Seiffert, 2017 
Eröffnungssitzung der »General Assembly« am 3. November, Photo: Daniel Seiffert, 2017 
Eröffnungssitzung der »General Assembly« am 3. November, Photo: Daniel Seiffert, 2017 
Eröffnungssitzung der »General Assembly« am 3. November, Photo: Daniel Seiffert, 2017 
Sitzung der »General Assembly« am 5. November, Photo: Daniel Seiffert, 2017 
Sitzung der »General Assembly« am 5. November, Photo: Daniel Seiffert, 2017 

General Assembly: 4th Plenary Session – Cultural Global Commons

by Milo Rau / IIPM

11/05/2017, 10.00–13.00

The technological revolutions of the past twenty years have provided access for many people around the world to information and cultural assets, which used to be exclusive or regional. These developments exacerbate a number of transnational cultural conflicts. These usually revolve around the contradictions between the demands for a universal cultural heritage and cultural values, and regional or national traditions and practices. Proponents of universal values are often accused of supporting hegemony and advocates of local traditions are under suspicion of extremism. In the »General Assembly«, the topics of cultural principles, liberties and politics of memory will be debated by the destroyers and curators of cultural possessions, the artists and the provoked religious representatives, the descendants of the colonial masters and their archives as well as the forgotten dead.

Representatives: Handan Aksu (Turkish blogger), Aral Balkan (cyborg rights activist), Dyab Abou Jahjah (activist from Lebanon), Meera Jamal (Pakistaniani journalist living in exile), Israel Kaunatjike (Herero activist), Kim Lee (Polish drag queen), Maxim Shevchenko (Russian journalist, expert on religious policy), Bernadus Clinton Swartbooi (former Namibian minister of land reform) et al.


General Assembly

There are no democratic structures on a global level, which can regulate the world market, prosecute violations of international law, or direct ecological developments into the right channels. The »General Assembly«, which will be convening 60 representatives from all over the world in Berlin, is filling this gap with its concept of an actual world parliament. In five plenary sessions, the representatives of the »General Assembly« will debate on where we stand as a global community and what needs to be done − socially, ecologically, technologically, politically. What does political sovereignty mean in the age of globalization? How do the interests of the world’s population relate to the democratic principles of the national states? Whose demands for independence, dignity, and happiness can become the demands of all mankind? A local parliament will be replaced by a global parliament, which will urge the members of the newly elected German government to join them. The first world parliament in the history of mankind, which will be accompanied by a group of international political observers, will conclude with the passing of the »Charter for the 21st Century«. 


Friday, 3 November, 19–21h: Constitutive Session
Saturday, 4 November, 10–13h: 1st Plenary Session – Diplomatic Relations, Sanctions and Wars
Saturday, 4 November, 13.30–16.30h: 2nd Plenary Session – The Regulation of Global Economy
Saturday, 4 November, 17–20h: 3rd Plenary Session – Migration and Border Regime
Sunday, 5 November, 10–13h: 4th Plenary Session – Cultural Global Commons
Sunday, 5 November, 13.30–16.30h: 5th Plenary Session – Natural Global Commons
Sunday, 5 November, 17–19h: Closing Session

Admission: every session 5 Euro (reduced 2,50), combined ticket for all 7 sessions: 25 Euro

The General Assembly will be broadcasted live to Brussels (Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles), Gent (NTGent), Hamburg (Thalia Theater), Munich (SPIELART Festival) and Paris (Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers).

Further information and live streaming of all plenary sessions at

Concept and direction: Milo Rau
Set Design: Anton Lukas
Dramaturgic collaboration: Stefan Bläske

On 3, 4, 5 November 2017

The »General Assembly« is a production of the IIPM – International Institute of Political Murder in collaboration with the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz, sponsored by the Federal Cultural Foundation, the multi-sector funding Berlin of the Senate Department of Culture and Europe and the Federal Agency for Civic Education and supported by ECCHR – European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, medico international, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and Rainforest Rescue.

In collaboration with Agit Polska, Bahrain Watch, Berlin Postkolonial, Club der polnischen Versager, German Network and Coordination Office Against Trafficking In Human Beings (KOK), Diem25, European Alternatives, FUTURZWEI, Germanwatch, Society for Threatened Peoples, Heinrich Böll Foundation, ADEFRA (Initiative of black women in Germany), ISD – Initiative of Black People in Germany,, Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly / Democracy Without Borders, Kinder- und Jugendparlament Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Kurdish Community Germany, Oficina Precaria Berlin / 15 M, Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland, Plough Back The Fruits -, PowerShift, Reporter ohne Grenzen, RomaTrial, Tierfabriken Widerstand, Urgewald, Voix des Migrants, Welthungerhilfe u. v. a.