by Bastian Reiber and team
Direction and concept: Bastian Reiber
World Premiere
Ku'damm 156
A nightmare becomes reality: an actor steps on stage and realises that he is in the wrong play. A white room is crammed full of wooden crates, not even the set has been built. The audience, however, is already present and is looking expectantly and hopefully at the actor who now begins to perform … But what? He does not know the play in which he has ended up. He is lost. A mistake. A professional blunder. But what if there is also an opportunity in the mistake, a creative principle? And so, out of nothing, he begins to create something that somehow fits into this unfinished world of a stage unfolding in front of him while the question looms threateningly over his performance: Is this already something? Will this do, what he is doing here? At what point does anything become something? And perhaps he is not alone in facing all these questions?
In his second production in the Studio, ensemble member Bastian Reiber plunges into the depths of nothingness and becomes the reluctant creator — not of the world, but of the play which he must create out of necessity.
Artistic Collaboration: Christina Deinsberger
Costume and Stage Design, Concep: Marina Stefan
Music: Thomas Witte
Dramaturgy: Bettina Ehrlich / Elisa Leroy
Premiered on 30 November 2023
With texts from »La chair de l’homme« by Valère Novarina, published in German as »311 Gottesdefinitionen« by Valère Novarina, translated by Leopold von Verschuer.
Supported by Freunde der Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz e. V.
Loud music is playing during this performance. Suitable hearing protection is available from the evening staff on request.
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