A project by Patrick Wengenroth and the ensemble
Realisation: Patrick Wengenroth
They told me: you’re a man.
They told you: you’re a woman.
They told me: boys don’t cry.
They told you: girls just wanna have fun.
They told me: fulfil yourself.
They told you: abandon yourself.
They told me: man up.
They told you: don’t be a bitch.
They asked me: when are you finally going to get married?
They asked you: don’t you want to have kids?
They asked me: why have you still not got promoted?
They asked you: why do you work so much?
They told me: get a haircut.
They told you: you look like a boy.
They told me: cooking is gay.
They told you: a career isn’t everything.
I say: I don’t want the male gender that was assigned to me at birth.
You say: I don’t want the female gender that was assigned to me at birth.
We both say: I don’t want all this.
We both say: I want to turn inwards. Out of the cage. I want to change myself. Into me. Not just here and now and one time only. No – I want this every fucking day. OKAY!?!
After »thisisitgirl« and »LOVE HURTS IN TINDER TIMES«, in which he already threw himself head first into the complexities of love, social and biological conditionalities, gender and gender trouble, in his latest work Patrick Wengenroth dives into the complicated depths of gender fluidity. Is it perhaps possible to counter the fixed attributions and categories with the idea of a constant state of flux?
>>> Essay about the production in Pearson's Preview: GETTING TO »Q«. Queering the stage in HE? SHE? ME. FREE!
Set Design: Mascha Mazur
Costume Design: Ulrike Gutbrod
Music: Matze Kloppe
Dramaturgy: Bettina Ehrlich
Dramaturgic collaboration: Marcus Peter Tesch
Lighting Design: Erich Schneider
Premiered on 13 December 2018
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