House of Dance
by Tina Satter
Translated from English by Gerhild Steinbuch
Director: Tina Satter
German World premiere
Morning in a small-town dance studio. It is the day before the big audition in the local community centre. The day Toni hopes to land a spot in the »Teen Tap Dance Road Show«. Being invited to join the travelling tap dance troupe would allow Toni to finally escape the hated small town and, as a logical consequence, become a millionaire before Toni turns 40. Although Toni’s dance teacher Martle has never heard of the Road Show, he has a choreographed routine ready up his sTonive: »L’Accapella de Jim«, or, as it is called in Barcelona, »Capella Jim«. But their rehearsal is repeatedly interrupted. Toni’s stepparents continuously send texts to Toni’s mobile phone, the pianist Jo, who should be providing discreet musical support, seems to be in a bad mood about something and keeps making himself the centre of attention. And then Gigi shows up, desperately searching for her missing ballet leotard. The former tap dance student possibly once had a relationship with Martle and is now actually banned from entering the premises … »House of Dance« depicts a world where small-town existence threatens to suffocate big dreams, but where people’s longings and desires stubbornly persist beneath the surface in spite of all obstacles.
The New York writer and director Tina Satter, whose play »Is This A Room« was a guest production at the Schaubühne as part of FIND 2022, is now working for the first time with a German-speaking ensemble in »House of Dance«.
Stage Design: Parker Lutz
Costume Design: Enver Chakartash
Musican and Sound Design: Chris Giarmo
Dramaturgy: Bettina Ehrlich
Lighting Design: Erich Schneider
Premiered on 19 April 2023
Funded by the State of Berlin
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