Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2018 
Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2018 
Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2018 
Photo: Gianmarco Bresadola, 2018 

Ja heißt ja und …

A lecture performance by and with Carolin Emcke

»Sometimes you can only sense when you’re writing it down that a text is searching for a certain form, that the words not only want to be written down but also spoken, displayed or, still more: that what you’re writing concerns your own body, your own skin, that you need a space, a theatre where you surrender yourself in a different way, more directly, more vulnerably.« (Carolin Emcke)

With this evening, Carolin Emcke wants to consider a few of the questions recently raised by the »#MeToo debate«. What are the pictures and terms, which music and which practices shape our ideas of desire and aversion, how are the images, the structures, the patterns and norms created to which men, women and everyone in between adapt? Which skin colours, which bodies are relegated into the realms of impotence and silence? How can violence be unmasked and prevented and how can desire and lust be enabled? Which language is required for this, and which spaces, which alliances? Carolin Emcke attempts to approach the multi-layered facets of the questions of sexuality and truth with humorous, angry, poetic and melancholic miniatures.

By and with: Carolin Emcke
Video: Rebecca Riedel, Mieke Ulfig
Dramaturgy: Bettina Ehrlich
Assistant: Angelika Schmidt
Lighting Design: Erich Schneider
Set: Jan Pappelbaum
Duration: ca. 90 minutes

Premiered on 16 December 2018

Tour Dates

Zurich (April und June 2019)
Stuttgart (June 2019)
Hamburg (June 2019)
Frankfurt (June 2019)
Bochum (June 2019)
Munich (June 2019)
Cologne (June 2019)
Stuttgart (November 2019)
Munich (December 2019)
Frankfurt on Main (January 2020)
Zurich (January 2020)
Munich (March 2020)
Heidelberg (April 2020)