L’Aventure invisible
(Paris / Stockholm)
by Marcus Lindeen
Director: Marcus Lindeen
Followed by Audience Talk
An American brain researcher who suffers a stroke at 37, loses her entire memory, and is now unable to recall her own gestures and language; a filmmaker who uses her art as a kind of death ritual to explore the life and work of forgotten queer surrealist artist Claude Cahun; a man suffering from a degenerative disease who has the world’s first face transplant and is now living with the face of a deceased man 25 years his junior. These three real and highly unusual stories were documented in interviews by writer-director Marcus Lindeen who weaves them together in »L’Aventure invisible«. As part of an intimate conversation, the stories take the audience on a journey into the inner selves of three people whose selfunderstanding has been profoundly challenged and who have been forced to face shifting realities and the transformation of their identities. It is an adventure that is not visible from the outside but is only taking place within.
»L’Aventure invisible« is the last part of a trilogy about questions of identity by Swedish theatre director and filmmaker Marcus Lindeen. The first part of the trilogy, »Regretters«, was presented in a reading at FIND 2008, the second, »Wild Minds«, was invited to FIND 2016.
Artistic Collaborator, Dramaturg, Translator: Marianne Ségol-Samoy
With: Tom Menanteau, Franky Gogo, Isabelle Girard
Set Designer: Mathieu Lorry-Dupuy
Composer and Sound Designer: Hans Appelqvist
Lighting Designer: Diane Guérin
Films: Sarah Pucill
Producer: Comédie de Caen. Coproduction: T2G – Théâtre de Gennevilliers; Festival d’Automne à Paris
Supported by Institut français, by the Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères, by the Ministère de la Culture, by Cité internationale des arts and the Festival Les Boréales (Caen).
In cooperation with France Culture and the Embassy of Sweden Berlin
With kind support of Institut français Deutschland.
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Pearson's Preview
»The Stage, Empty but Full. Marcus Lindeen’s »L’Aventure invisible«