by Patrick Wengenroth and the ensemble
Realisation: Patrick Wengenroth
In German with short passages in English
Love is a catastrophe / Look what it’s done to me / Brought me down here so low / stranded, nowhere to go
(Pet Shop Boys
The human being is an abyss. Okay. Fine. Let’s jump right in. Headlong into this mess of longings, anxieties, biological and social determinations. Deeply (gender) troubled and deeply in need of love. But – Look out! Beware! – LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD and LOVE IS BLINDNESS and LOVE IS A CATASTROPHE and, anyway: LOVE HURTS. At least upon that, pop culture is agreed. LOVE is, above all, a giant heap of rubbish upon which woman and man and everything in-between spend their lives crawling about, acquiring bloody scratches on all the fluffy cushions strewn between the shards and steel girders. And no sooner have the scars scabbed over then they have an incredible compulsion to pick at them and see whether the blood is still as crimson as the famous sun which seems to be constantly sinking into the sea off the isle of Capri. Enough of all that. Let’s finally bring this ill-fated monogamy to an end – POLYAMORY is the new old thing! I am a unicorn and I love whoever and as many as I want. Every day I throw the most fantastic parties in my studio and guess what...? YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED! WE ARE A MATCH! Because only FRIENDS are friends – PLEASE, PLEASE CLICK ON ME! HERE and NOW!
>>> Essay about the production in Pearson's Preview: LOVE HURTS IN TINDER TIMES. A conversation with Patrick Wengenroth
Set Design: Mascha Mazur
Collaboration Set Design: Céline Demars
Costume Design: Ulrike Gutbrod
Music: Matze Kloppe
Dramaturgy: Sina Katharina Flubacher
Music: Matze Kloppe
Premiered on 28 January 2017
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