Panel Discussion: Playwriting in the UK and in Germany
With Caren Jeß, Iman Qureshi, Mark Ravenhill
Hosts: Matthias Warstat, Elisa Leroy
For this year's FIND three British playwrights, Tom Fowler, Iman Qureshi and Temi Wilkey are coming to Berlin to share and discuss their work with three German playwrights - Giorgi Jamburia, Caren Jeß and Magdalena Schrefel. This exchange, organised by the Royal Court Theatre and the Schaubühne began in November 2019. Led by playwright Mark Ravenhill, the writers - then joined by Jasmine Lee Jones - and the Royal Court Theatre dramaturg Jane Fallowfield came together to share ideas for plays and discuss their different theatre cultures.
Mark Ravenhill, Iman Qureshi and Caren Jeß will discuss the experiences gained during this exchange as well as the differences and similarities in playwriting in Britain and Germany with Matthias Warstat, Professor of theatre studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, and Maja Zade, dramaturge at the Schaubühne.
In place of Maja Zade, Elisa Leroy, dramaturge at Schaubühne, will moderate the conversation with Matthias Warstat.