Carolin EmckePhoto: Andreas Labes
Carolin Emcke, Photo: Andreas Labes 
Streitraum with Carolin Emcke and guests
Streitraum with Carolin Emcke and guests 


Carolin Emcke and guests

Stage A

Discussions about the Middle East have tended to become highly-charged fields of discursive conflict since well before the 7th of October 2023 and the War in Gaza. Pain and trauma have left their mark on both public and private spaces, and mutual accusations, resentments and prohibitions impede sympathy and comprehension. We want to attempt to address some historical, philosophical and psychological questions: what is anti-Semitism? Does it exist in the singular? What historical imagery and historical phrases are being handed down and reproduced? What traditions are there in left-wing, Christian, and Muslim circles? What is colonialism, what is apartheid? What terms can be used to describe the Middle Eastern conflict? What does historical responsibility mean? What is meant by the term »Staatsräson«? What responsibility do we have towards Palestinians? How are anti-Arab, Islamophobic resentment and racism displayed? How do artistic and academic freedom relate to anti-discrimination? Who defines the limits of what can be said? And in whose name?

Streitraum is a monthly discussion series that has been moderated and curated at the Schaubühne by publicist and author Carolin Emcke since 2004. Scientists, writers, politicians, artists and other public figures are invited to join the discussion. The Streitraum focuses on a new topic every season.

Streitraum is sponsored by 


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