Streitraum: The Limits of Respect
Carolin Emcke in conversation with Anetta Kahane (Amadeu Antonio Foundation), Bianca Klose (Mobile Counsel against Right-wing Extremism) and Ernst-Dieter Lantermann (social psychologist)
Resentments and violence, racist and anti-Semitic positions have been a constant sediment in our society. Yet recently something has changed: people who think or look, believe or love differently are being attacked, openly and seemingly without restraint. Unfiltered and unbridled hatreds are being stirred up in social media and people are being threatened. The standards of respectful coexistence in society are increasingly being subverted and the language of public discourse has become more radical and crude. How can this be explained? What are the factors that foster political fanaticism and how can it be countered? And which rhetorical, social or even artistic strategies can help restabilise democratic modes of behaviour?