TRANS (més enllà)
by Didier Ruiz
Direction: Didier Ruiz
Guest performance during FIND 2019
In »TRANS (més enllà)«, we encounter seven people of different ages and genders on stage. What they all have in common is that the body in which they feel at home today is not the one in which they were born. They were unable to find their inner selves in the external identity of man or woman that was prescribed to them. Their voices, their bodies, their experiences occupy a dissident position in a society which only recognises binary gender identities. These people challenge those norms as well as our own capacity for openness. Forced by society, culture, family or upbringing to exist in harmony with a body at odds with their interior emotions, thoughts and desires, they all decided at different times or stages in their lives to escape from this foreign body and take on a new gender identity. They tell of their transformations, of the necessity of making their voices heard and of those who listened and those who preferred to close their eyes and ears; of the hostility or support from family, friends and the workplace. Through their memories and experiences, we encounter the people who unexpectedly rejected them, new friends, despair, hope and the big loves of their lives, and accompany them on their often arduous journeys to become themselves.
Didier Ruiz (*1961, Béziers) is an actor and director. Theatre is a place for him where people who are marginalised by or excluded from public discourse can make their voices heard. With his »La compagnie des Hommes«, he has worked with groups including long-term prisoners, old people and adolescents who are rarely seen on stage. With »TRANS (més enllà)«, he is continuing his artistic and political exploration of a type of theatre that aims to bring people into contact with each other, overcome social divisions and tell the stories of those overlooked in society with respect, humility and empathy.
Direction: Didier Ruiz
Artistic Collaboration: Tomeo Vergés
Set Design: Emmanuelle Debeusscher
Costume Design: Marie Negretti
Lighting Design: Maurice Fouilhé
Music: Adrien Cordier
Visual Animation: Students of the Gobelins – l’école de l’image
Video Design: Zita Cochet
Production: Emilie Raisson
With: Neus Asencio, Clara Palau, Danny Ranieri, Raúl Roca, Ian de la Rosa, Sandra Soro, Leyre Tarrason Corominas
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Production: La compagnie des Hommes
Co-production: Teatre Lliure (Barcelona), Châteauvallon Scène nationale, Le Channel Scène nationale de Calais, Arpajon – La Norville – Saint-Germainlès-Arpajon, Festival d’Avignon, Fontenay-en-Scènes, Le Grand T Théâtre de Loire-Atlantique, Théâtre de Chevilly-Larue, Scène nationale de l’Essonne Agora-Desnos, La Filature Scène nationale de Mulhouse, Théâtre de Choisy-le-Roi – Scène conventionnée d’Intérêt National – Art et Création pour la diversité linguistique en collaboration avec PANTHEA
With the support of the Département du Val de Marne, the Institut Français, the foundation Un monde par tous under the patronage of the Fondation de France
»La compagnie des Hommes« is supported by the Ministère de la Culture – DRAC Île-de-France and the region Île-de-France