Text: Falk Richter
Direction and Choreography: Falk Richter and Anouk van Dijk
World Premiere
In their project »TRUST«, Falk Richter, author and director, and Anouk van Dijk, dancer and choreographer, and an ensemble made up of actors from the Schaubühne and dancers from the anoukvandijk dc company, explore the shaky foundations and mechanisms of human bonds against the background of current crises. Relationships build up and break down in ever shorter time-scales; they become a resource in an increasingly intense competition. Binding, seperating. Buying, selling. A picture is presented of human beings who, over the years, have radically intensified modern individuality and celebrated independence as an ideal.
In 2000, Falk Richter and Anouk van Dijk were invited to the Theatertreffen festival in Berlin with their choreographic production »Nothing Hurts« and appeared at the Schaubühne. Over the years, they kept an eye on each other’s work and followed up on the idea of a collaboration of dance and theatre.
A co-production with anoukvandijk dc
Supported by the Nederlands Fonds voor Podiumkunsten+, the community of Amsterdam (Gemeente Amsterdam) and the embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Direction and Choreography: Falk Richter, Anouk van Dijk
Stage Design: Katrin Hoffmann
Costume Design: Daniela Selig
Music: Malte Beckenbach
Dramaturgy: Jens Hillje
Light Design: Carsten Sander
Musician: Malte Beckenbach
Premiered on 10 October 2009
Tour Dates
Madrid (May 2010)
Avignon (July 2010)
Amsterdam (November 2010)
Groningen (November 2010)
Rotterdam (November 2010)
Perth (February 2011)
Montreal (May 2011)
Forbach (May 2011)
Macau (May 2015)
Tianjin (June 2015)
Beijing (June 2015)
Caution: Strobe lights will be used during this performance.
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