≈ [approximately equal]
by Jonas Hassen Khemiri
Direction: Mina Salehpour
German translation by Jana Hallberg
»I will remain true to myself and not always only think of the money.«
Five people seeking their fortune in an entirely monetised world: Andrej applies in vain for his first position. Marina wants to quit her dull job in a kiosk and live a life of self-sufficiency. Her boyfriend Mani, a failing economist, dreams of changing the system from within (and of finding a permanent position). Freia has been made redundant and pushes her replacement in front of a car. Peter is homeless and out of it all, but does that really mean he is independent from the rules of the market? In short sequences, Jonas Hassen Khemiri tells of hope and failure in an incessantly self-optimising neo-liberal society, links life stories with economic theories and creates characters somewhere between powerlessness and hubris, repression and bitter realisation. His fast-paced text is a design for an experiment which also concerns the theatre: in a system which even insists upon quantifying experiences, how much is a night at the theatre really worth?
Jonas Hassen Khemiri, born in 1978 in Stockholm, is one of Sweden’s best-known contemporary writers. He won multiple awards for his debut novel, »Ett Öga Rött« (»One Eye Red«). His first play, »Invasion!«, premiered in Stockholm in 2006 and has since been performed across Europe. For his most recent novel, »Allt Jag Inte Minns« (»Everything I Don’t Remember«) he received the 2006 August Prize, Sweden’s most important literary award.
>>> Essay about the production in Pearson's Preview:
Sekt or Champagne? Approximately equal – Mina Salehpour takes Comedy seriously
Direction: Mina Salehpour
Set Design: Andrea Wagner
Costume Design: Maria Anderski
Dramaturgy: Bettina Ehrlich
Premieres on 17 February 2016
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