Saturday, 18th April
Ein Volksfeind (An Enemy Of The People)
by Henrik Ibsen
directed by Thomas Ostermeier
Premiere was in Avignon on 18th July 2012
Premiere in Berlin on 8th September 2012
Duration: ??? minutes
A production by 3sat (2013)
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>>> With English subtitles
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Sunday, 19th April
Klassen Feind (Class Enemy)
by Nigel Williams
directed by Peter Stein
Premiere on 23rd April 1981
Duration: 120 minutes
A REGINA ZIEGLER Production in cooperation with Sender Freies Berlin
>>> German audio only
Monday, 20th April
Tuesday, 21st April
by Falk Richter and TOTAL BRUTAL
world premiere
written and directed by Falk Richter
Premiere on 9th September 2014
Duration: ca. 105 minutes
Recorded by Carsten Woike for the Schaubühne
>>> German audio only
Wednesday, 22nd April
by Virginia Woolf
stage version by Alice Birch
translated by Brigitte Walitzek
directed by Katie Mitchell
Premiere on 5th September 2019
Duration: ca. 110 minutes
Recorded by Carsten Woike for the Schaubühne
>>> German audio, English subtitles
Thursday, 23rd April
Die Ehe der Maria Braun (The Marriage of Maria Braun)
adapted from the original text by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
screenplay by: Peter Märthesheimer and Pea Fröhlich
directed by Thomas Ostermeier
Premiere on 23rd November 2009
Resumption with a new cast on 6th September 2014
Duration: ca. 105 minutes
A performance by Münchner Kammerspiele at the Schaubühne recorded during the Theatertreffen in 2008
A production by ZDF and 3sat
>>> Wahlweise mit englischen oder französischen Untertiteln
Um englische oder französische Untertitel einzuschalten, klicken Sie im Video auf das cc-Symbol rechts unten und wählen Sie dort die Sprache aus
>>> With English subtitles
To watch the show with English subtitles, click on the cc bar on the right side at the bottom of the video and choose »English subtitles«
>>> Sous-titré en français
Pour regarder le spectacle sous-titré en français, cliquez sur la barre cc à droite en bas de la vidéo et choisissez »sous-titres français«
Friday, 24rd April
Winterreise im Olympiastadion (Winter Journey at Olympia Stadium)
Text fragments from the novel »Hyperion« by Hölderlin
directed by Klaus Michael Grüber
Premiere on 1st Dezember 1977
duration: 70 minutes
Motion picture direction: Klaus Michael Grüber, Ellen Hammer
cinematography: Wolfgang Knigge
>>> German audio only
Saturday, 25th April
by Milo Rau & ensemble
directed by: Milo Rau
world premiere
Premiere on 19th Oktober 2017
Durataion: ca. 120 minutes
A recording by the Schaubühne
>>> Mit englischen Untertiteln
>>> With English subtitles