Classroom 2024/25
»Where are you really from?«
Vanessa Vu and Guests
Most people answer questions about their origins geographically —but is it really the place that shapes us? When asked »Where do you come from?«, very few mention the small apartment, unemployed parents or clothes and vocabulary that immediately reveal to everyone what kind of background they are from. Why do we find it so difficult to address financial circumstances and to re-evaluate and perhaps readjust our relationships with each other from this point of view? In this monthly series of talks, the journalist Vanessa Vu tackles this question and takes a closer look at the various social milieus of this country via life stories — exploring their undiscussed niches, comparing and contrasting them — and tries to perhaps come to understand herself a little better as a result.
Journalist Vanessa Vu invites you to exchange ideas in her childhood bedroom with its bunk bed, mattress, old cathode ray tube TV and lots of plastic —after spending a long time in an asylum seekers’ hostel, this signalled the beginning of a social ascension.
Events of the season 2024/25
Where are you really from?
Vanessa Vu in conversation with Tung Doan
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Talk Series
»Where are you really from?«
Vanessa Vu in conversation with Sabine Nuss
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Where are you really from
Talk Series
Vanessa Vu im Gespräch mit Melissa Maria Hurtado Gamboa
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Where are you really from?
Talk Series
Vanessa Vu in conversation with Dana H. and Bennet G.
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Where are you really from?
Talk Series
Vanessa Vu in conversation with Nilofar Schoaib
Where are you really from
Talk Series
Vanessa Vu in conversation with Dara Abdallah