Theaterpädagogik Spielformate


The Schaubühne has been exploring the shift to the right in society at various levels for quite some time. Its theatre education department is now focusing on this important topic with a comprehensive theatre-educational-artistic-participatory project in cooperation with the Piccolo Theatre for children, teenagers and young adults in Cottbus. This theatre education project aims to create connections between the past and present. To mark the 30th anniversary of »Stolpersteine« (»stumbling stones«, brass plaques in the pavement commemorating the victims of National Socialism), not only the shared history but also the shared responsibility will be addressed on stage, inspired by stumbling stones found in both cities. There are a vast number of »Stolpersteine« in Berlin and Cottbus. What happens after you trip? You either recover or you fall. How can we recover as a society after stumbling and shifting to the right? What are the necessary steps? What are young people, first-time voters, willing to do to shape a world in which they would like to live – today and in the future? With the development of the theatre education play »stolpern« (»Stumbling«, working title), the cities of Cottbus and Berlin become the starting point for a theatrical investigation and a symbol of a society that – as has been frequently described by various media and numerous sociological investigations – threatens to become more and more fragmented as it shifts politically to the right. The resulting devised play will be accompanied by a detailed theatre education mediation programme including a workshop, portfolio and audience discussions. 

Premiere at Piccolo Kinder- und Jugendtheater,, Cottbus on June 10, 2022
Premiere at the Schaubühne, Berlin on June 17, 2022

A cooperation with

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The project is funded by the Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft (EVZ) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF).

A project of the Bildungsagenda NS-Unrecht. 
