Season 2009/10
A list of all premieres since 1962 can be found here.Detailed programme information is only available online since the season 2004/05.
Aus freien Stücken
by »Die Zwiefachen«
Direction: Uta Plate
Premiered on 12 June 2010
Berlin Alexanderplatz
A free adaptation of the novel by Alfred Döblin.
Direction: Volker Lösch
Premiered on 13 December 2009
by Lars Norén
Directior: Thomas Ostermeier
German translation by Angelika Gundlach
Premiered on 2 March 2010
TrailerDas darf man nicht sagen
by Hélène Cixous
Direction: Anne Schneider
Premiered on 6 January 2010
The Good Person of Szechwan
by Bertolt Brecht. Music by Paul Dessau.
Direction: Friederike Heller
Premiered on 21 April 2010
Die Ehe der Maria Braun (The Marriage of Maria Braun)
After the original by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Script: Peter Märthesheimer and Pea Fröhlich
Director: Thomas Ostermeier
Premiere at the Schaubühne was on November 23, 2009
Resumption with a new cast premiered on 6 September 2014
Die Kontrakte des Kaufmanns
The Nibelungen
A project of Frank Oberhäußer
Realisation: Frank Oberhäußer
Premiered on 18 February 2010
F.I.N.D. 10
10th Festival International New Drama
4-7 March 2010
Premiered on 13 January 2025
by Edward Bond
Direction: Benedict Andrews
Premiered on 19 February 2010
by William Shakespeare
German translation by Marius von Mayenburg
Director: Thomas Ostermeier
Premiered on 17 September 2008
TrailerHedda Gabler
Class Enemy
by Nigel Williams
Direction: Wulf Twiehaus
Premiered on 7 December 2009
by Constanza Macras | DorkyPark
Direction and Choreography: Constanza Macras
Premiered on 16 January 2010
TrailerPrometheus Bound
The Americas – War of the Worlds.
3 in 1: Comedy of mankind. Political drama. War musical.
Realisation: Patrick Wengenroth
Premiered on 1 June 2010
Text: Falk Richter
Direction and Choreography: Falk Richter and Anouk van Dijk
Premiered on 10 October 2009
TrailerWhat can a finde standing theatre effect? 1
What can a finde standing theatre effect? 2
by and with Friedrich Schiller
Realisation: Patrick Wengenroth
Premiered on 9 November 2009
What can a finde standing theatre effect? 3
by and with Friedrich Schiller
Realisation: Patrick Wengenroth
Premiered on 14 January 2010
Was! Ist das episches Theater?
Realisation: Patrick Wengenroth
Premiered on 25 March 2010