
Price A
(until 31.08.2024)
Price B
(until 31.08.2024)
Price C
(until 31.08.2024)
(ab 01.09.2024)
(ab 1.09.2024)
(ab 01.09.2024)
I 49 € 43 € 35 €
II 42 € 36 € 27 €
III 32 € 28 € 19 €
IV 22 € 20 € 11 €
V 11 € 11 € 7 €
VI 7 € 7 €
Studio 15 €
Additional charge for premieres
in the price groups I–V: 5 €

Concessions & Discounts*

  • Pupils, students, trainees, unemployed persons, social welfare recipients and FSJ workers receive tickets for all performances for 9 €, also in advance.
  • Pensioners receive tickets for 15 € on the day of the performance.
  • Students of the Hochschule für Schauspiel (HfS) and Universität der Künste (UDK – Schauspiel) receive tickets for 5 €, also in advance sale
  • Berlin-Ticket S holders receive tickets for all performances (except special performances) for 3 €, also in advance sale
  • Refugees receive tickets for all performances (except special performances) for 3 €, also in advance sale

*Discounts only upon availability and presentation of appropriate proof; theatre day is excluded from discounts.

Access bookings

Wheelchair users, severely disabled persons and accompanying persons each receive a 50% discount on all performances in all price groups; in conjunction with the purchase of tickets and the blue EU parking permit, disabled parking spaces can also be booked; tickets for wheelchair users are only available by telephone, in writing or directly at the box office. We kindly ask you to call our ticket office at +49 (0)30 890023 or in advance. Two barrier-free WCs are available.


25% off for up to 2 tickets per production (except premieres, guest productions, Theatre Day and special events).
Here you can find more information about the Schaubühnen-Card.

Theatre Day

Once a month you can get a 50% discount on all seats with the exception of those in price category VI. You will find the designated Theatre Day listed in our current programme.

Concessions for school groups

11–20 tickets: 8,50 €
from 21 tickets: 8 €
Except premieres, guest productions and Theatre Day. Tickets need to booked through our box office.

Welcome Card

Welcome Card holders are eligible to a 25% discount at the box office.

Special Events

Streitraum: 6 €, reduced 3 €
Streit ums Politische: 4 €, reduced 2 €
Klassenzimmer: 6 €, reduced 3 €
Drama teaching workshop: 2,50 €